The FDC is offering the women of Uganda a new deal to walk with them away from patronage to real economic, political and social empowerment.

Women’s Rights are Human Rights

The FDC Commitment

  • Adopt and implement policies and actions to deliver gender-sensitive financial services, gender-sensitive business development services, and increase the representation of women entrepreneurs in public policy-making
  • Ensure that 15 percent of all sectoral budgets and local government budgets are committed to development and spending programmes that address the specific needs of women.
  • Give priority to women under the land registration programme to increase the percentage of women controlling the land they cultivate from 25.5 percent to atleast 35 percent and increase the percentage of registered land from the current 7 percent to atleast 20 percent over the next 5 years.
  • Eliminate the requirement for nomination fees for women contesting for political office at local council level
  • Dedicate at least 15 percent of the national budget for civic education towards civil society organizations working with women to achieve women’s political and civic empowerment

“The women of Uganda are the heartbeat and the pulse of the nation.”

— FDC Manifesto