The mission of the Forum for Democratic Change is
to work for a socially, economically and politically transformed Uganda where Ugandan citizens: men, women, youth and children live a life of dignity, have access to equal opportunity and become masters of their own destiny.
This mission is rooted in our ideological conviction and belief that leadership is a service and those who are called to serve must do it with humility, dignity and with uttermost respect for individual freedoms and liberties as enshrined in our national constitution and international covenants. This is what distinguishes us from others especially the incumbent leaders who take leadership as a right.
“The FDC is committed to offer Ugandans a brand of political and public service leadership that is transformative, selfless, and patriotic.
We are committed to pursue policies that make growth more inclusive, create new, decent and well-paying jobs, dramatically improve the quality of public service delivery and strengthen citizenship”
This Policy Agenda and the principles, values and policy commitments stated herein are therefore not just political promises, rather, it is our pledge and a compact with the people of Uganda to offer an alternative leadership that espouses the dignity of the human person, merit based leadership, social justice and equal opportunity to every Ugandan woman, man, youth and child.
The goal of the Party shall be the establishment of a truly united and peaceful Uganda; and the empowerment of the people of Uganda to achieve a better quality of life for all Ugandans.
The aims and objectives for which the Party is formed are to:
a) Unite and facilitate reconciliation between and among the people of Uganda.
b) Achieve sustainable peace, development, a culture of dialogue, compromise, tolerance and good governance.
c) Eliminate inequalities created by mismanagement of public affairs
d) Fight poverty, ignorance, disease, and all forms of discrimination.
e) Establish and maintain good relationships between Uganda and her neighbors.
f) Promote sub-regional and regional integration efforts
g) Act as a platform to promote democracy, good governance, constitutionalism and rule of law.
h) Enhance integrity, transparency, and accountability in the management of public affairs.
i) Strengthen institutions of Government and promote the principle of separation of powers and democracy.
j) Pursue constitutional, non-partisan and professional management of the public service, the army, prison service, the police and other security organs.
k) Support cultural and traditional institutions
l) Establish a policy of zero tolerance on corruption.
m) Engage in mutually beneficial relationships with the international community.
n) Support and promote the struggle for the rights of women, children, the aged, the disabled and all other marginalized groups through the implementation of affirmative action.
o) Cooperate with other organizations with similar objectives and where possible work jointly to achieve the said objective.