We are pleased to announce Mr. Emmanuel Eratu as our Parliamentary candidate for the Serere County by-election.
He is a seasoned politician and an outstanding citizen who has the capabilities of transformative legislation in the National Assembly and the FDC calls upon all the people of Serere to trust us by choosing our candidate.
Our candidate is rated excellent and highly commendable!
We know that the Junta will unleash the money, arsenal and security services in this campaign.
However, our confidence is in the people of Serere who have always supported us in our journey to liberation.
Last week the minister of Education released the 2022 PLE results and it continues to put a dent in the direction of our education sector.
These results indicate how Mr Museveni and his family are committed to lowering the standards of education in Uganda.
According to the results released by Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB)
Male candidates outperformed their female counterparts. However 1,88,0000 pupils enrolled for Primary one in 2016, out of these only 832,000 registered to sit for PLE in 2022 of which 23,000 did not sit leaving only 811,000 who sat for the examinations.
Out of those who sat for 2022 PLE exams, 97,000 failed and are unable to continue with secondary education. This high dropout rate should be taken for granted. The Public should pick interest in this deliberate mismanagement of the education sector and have it put to order.
The question that FDC puts to Mr Museveni and his wife the minister of education is ” what plans do you have for these pupils who didn’t make it to the secondary level education?”.
The government has deliberately refused to prioritize education, first with a ceremonial minister of Education who barely makes a show only when the results are being released.
Then the fluctuating and unreliability of budgetary funds towards the education sector especially the 2 USD per pupil annually towards UPE.
And now the whole salary disparity between teachers of sciences against their arts counterparts is fueled by the NRM government practicing divide and rule politics. It should be noted that the National Teachers Union had steadily grown strong, but eventually killed by the Museveni mismanagement
The forgotten Covid school sabbatical child mothers who mostly dropped out of school and the government has completely forgotten about them.
FDC proposes that Government should develop a strategic master plan for those 1,168,000 pupils who have failed to transit to the next education level every year.
Lastly, schools are reopening next week, we ask parents to sacrifice and take back their children to school. And to the schools, we know the economy is hard but try to bear with the parents.
Last week’s NRM/NRA celebrated 37 years since Museveni lost the 1981 elections and opted to wage a war against Uganda.
The so-called “revolution” was a war Mr Museveni started contesting election practices, sectarianism corruption among others that happened nearly four decades ago.
After the war, Mr Museveni and his group expanded fifteen point program and later turned it into 10 points as summarized below;
- Democracy
- Security
- Consolidation of National security and eliminate on of all forms of sectarianism
- Defending and consolidating National Independence
- Building an independent, integrated and self-sustaining national economy
- Restoration and improvement of Social services and the rehabilitation of the war-ravaged areas
- Elimination of corruption and misuse of power
- Redressing errors that have resulted in the dislocation of sections of the population and improvement of others
- Co-operation with other African countries in defending human and democratic rights of our brothers in other parts of Africa
- Following an economic strategy of mixed economy
Out of the 10 Points, we will look back at specific points
Point number one.
Restoration of Democracy
Democracy is still a hoax and a far-fetched dream in Uganda since 1986 characterized by heavy military presence, voter intimidation, irregularities, arrests, and ballot box stuffing, evidently many innocent Ugandans have lost lives during elections organised under the NRA all in name of muzzling peoples choice of leaders.
We could count and count the number of people that have lost their lives during elections in this country.
Point number two.
Restoration of Security
General Museveni’s strong point has always been towards security, but the present situation in Uganda clearly shows that his government is losing its grip.
With rampant murders of citizens by gunmen, attacks on police and military installations, and Mr. Museveni not coming out with a clear statement shows this government has failed to provide personal security. It should be noted that Mr. Museveni is common denominator in the regional conflicts. He is seen as security destabilizer in Sudan, Congo, Central African Republic, Liberia and many more countries. These countries are equally struggling to stabilize their countries, as a single individual who has failed Uganda is struggling to destabilize their counties
Point number five.
Building an independent, self-sustaining and integrated economy.
This must have been the greatest lie of our generation by Mr Museveni and his group.
The recent post-Covid lockdown economic hardships proved the fragility of our national economy despite some key strong notes based on the food production due to the favorable climatic conditions.
On the part of the government, there were no conclusive financial solutions given to the heavily indebted businesses and SMEs yet most of the taxes come from the private sector.
Continued expansive borrowing is not based on priorities emanating from people-led issues like agriculture, education or health.
Despite all the hardships, the government has continued to provide no workable solutions even after the effects of the Russo-Ukraine wars led to an increase in petroleum and wheat prices.
Talking about the others point programs would take us the whole day because they have been a thing of the past and idealistic to most Ugandans.
And after four decades of Museveni at the helm of power, he still has the audacity of blaming his government’s failures on other people except himself.
For all these 37 years, we think Mr Museveni liberated himself, his family and his relatives because they are the only beneficiaries of the 37 years of Rule.
We ask all Ugandans to continue with the struggle to liberate ourselves from Musevenis’ family rule